
Gear Acquisition Syndrome: A tendency to purchase more equipment than justified by usage and/or price.

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Post by Indeterminacy »

If it's Eventide related park it here.

Artic;e on Reverb if you are curious.
https://reverb.com/news/tech-behind-eve ... harmonizer
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Re: Eventide

Post by crochambeau »

I own a 1st generation (yellow button) H3000. It's a fun machine I should use more often.

I've wondered if the "magic sound" (ie: why people claim the plug-ins do not match the hardware) is in part due to signal latency & converter filtering interacting with dry signal in a manner that induces a sort of top end EQ phase smear. There is a syrupy quality to the sound that could be construed as sweet, this fingerprint factors heavily in my decision to use or not use the effect.

I really should explore more though, as it's been a while since I've fired it up.
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