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How to Make Bagpipes Out of a Garbage Bag and Recorders

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 5:37 am
by timdrage

Re: How to Make Bagpipes Out of a Garbage Bag and Recorders

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:33 pm
by Pigswill
The video at the end of this is great

I thought the sound of the garbage bag would get in the way, but once he has it all inflated, you can't really hear it

Re: How to Make Bagpipes Out of a Garbage Bag and Recorders

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 11:21 am
by The Mysterious Creep
That's fucking rad. I love bagpipes, I might have to try making one of these. Does anyone really make noise with bagpipes? I'm sure there's a bunch of bagpipe free improv out there, but normally noiseniks don't love horns as much because you can't jam them through effects as easily as synths and guitars and the like.

Re: How to Make Bagpipes Out of a Garbage Bag and Recorders

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 7:14 am
by ¾ dead
I've often thought about buying a set of them. I've nearly taken the plunge on several occasions. But I can't justify the expense, especially considering my inability to play them "properly", having never so much as touched a set of them. And I worry the cheaper child student models would be absolute garbage in terms of achieving an interesting/playable palette of sounds.

They have great, hackle-raising character though, yes. I like all sorts of droning instruments, particularly ones with lots of potential for "atonality" (a relative but functionally descriptive term), like bagpipes and hurdy-gurdies.

Re: How to Make Bagpipes Out of a Garbage Bag and Recorders

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 1:12 pm
by Soloman Tump
I guess they lend themselves more to skronky drone workouts...
I wonder what bands like Dead Neanderthals or Sly could do with them... (probably destroy them...) :angel:

Re: How to Make Bagpipes Out of a Garbage Bag and Recorders

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 4:27 am
by timdrage
I've been very curious about the various electronic and acoustic bagpipe practice instruments out there, but likewise no way I can justify the price to make some horrible drones

Re: How to Make Bagpipes Out of a Garbage Bag and Recorders

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:42 am
by NoiseWiki
timdrage wrote: Mon Jul 06, 2020 4:27 am I've been very curious about the various electronic and acoustic bagpipe practice instruments out there, but likewise no way I can justify the price to make some horrible drones
I guess the cost is the reed and the chanter?

I bought a cheap chanter a while back and tried attaching it to a saxophone.. it made getting sounds out of the sax a bit easier although you can get more obnoxious sounds out of an unadulterated sax.

Oh and here's something to try.. a logn time ago I noticed that there was quite a bit of air coming out of the back of my speakers through the vent so I put a post it over it.. If you want an endless electro acoustic drone then try that with some shitty speakers in a box with a hole or a tube attached.. maybe just mount a small speaker to the end of a pvc pipe and a flap over the other end.

Re: How to Make Bagpipes Out of a Garbage Bag and Recorders

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 6:30 pm
by FAP
timdrage wrote: Mon Jul 06, 2020 4:27 am I've been very curious about the various electronic and acoustic bagpipe practice instruments out there, but likewise no way I can justify the price to make some horrible drones
Exactly how I feel about the hurdy gurdy.

Re: How to Make Bagpipes Out of a Garbage Bag and Recorders

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:23 pm
by ¾ dead
X-post from the toys thread in the same sub-forum, because I am an idiot: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=199&p=7072#p7072

Obviously, it doesn't have the same rich low tones of a "proper" one, but it looks very promising for strident noise purposes.

PS, John Wayne Gacy plays the hurdy-gurdy: