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4ms Noise Swash Pedal

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 10:38 pm
by The Mysterious Creep
Got on the trail of looking for gnarled noise pedals to get some more synth-y and glitchy noises out of my guitar rig (planning to do a guitar + vocals PE project but ring modulator and bass synth wah + Death Metal just don't seem to cut it for crushing brutality) and came upon the 4ms Noise Swash. It looks to be exactly what I wanted, a complete guitar destroyer that can even become its own sound source with the right settings. But, it's discontinued and old ones are rather pricey. Any users of the Swash or clones who can recommend a good clone or similar pedal? I'd rather not get the eurorack version that 4ms still makes because then I'd have to deal with a fair bit of signal fuckery for one effect.