melko wrote: ↑Sun Mar 08, 2020 3:41 pm
This is what I get:
Originally: fascism was used by the avantgarde artists to criticize the covert fascism of the establishment.
Not what I said.
The Avant Garde often shocked. Note the word xe2x80x9coftenxe2x80x9d - not always!
Some (note the term some) associated shock with being avant garde. Though they get this wrong, the shock is from the wor-k, not its reason to be. It isn't automatic that shocking an audience is avant garde.
I didn't say the the establishment was covertly fascist. I'm not sure you can say this. A side issue, but politics is generally overt by nature. There was a perceived hypocrisy by some towards Victorian mores of the establishment.
Following WW2 facism was by many seen as bad in the western democracys and elsewhere. Notably the germans Vs the Jews.
melko wrote: ↑Sun Mar 08, 2020 3:41 pm
Now: the establishment embraces being criticized for its covert fascism, so avantgarde artists are no longer able to use fascism as a way to criticize the covert fascism of the establishment?
Not debating anything, just trying get a better grasp of what you're saying.
Then with respect you should maybe read what i'm actually saying, though perhaps not clearly!
By the late 70s the establishment had taken on the liberalism of the 60s to an extent, (to an extent! There was still a class divide and racism, sexism, but no longer open and by liberals seen as wrong...) from the 60s onwards hanging in the UK stopped, Homosexuality made legal, many other issues, greater freedom of the press, film and arts. Notably seen in such things as the Lady Chatterly trial, The Theatres Act 1968, Civil rights movements... in the UK women gained greater freedoms, (NO not total and yes still not equal!)
So by the 80s the avant garde (edit- probably no longer a functioning avant garde) became the general neo-liberalism of post-modernity...
So Whitehouse adopts the opposite to this movement to provoke and shock a by now 'liberal' audience... and get publicity in doing so. And sure some in the audience maybe got a thrill from this, and maybe some liked the idea of committing such violence..
My question to you, at least the third time, did this original provocation become real and serious to Whitehouse as it seems to be in some bands in PE that followed. Maybe you know, I wasn't into PE at the time...
And the child rap-e / murder jewish extermination, used by PE bands, together with nutsy politics. The two don't seem (SEEM) to have much in common other than being generally beyond the pale for neo-liberals .
So whilst this in PE might be a critique of Neo-liberalism, or for show publicity is in in some cases much more, as an extreme right wing political attitude to a perceived evil global politics? inhumanity...
I think there is a lacuna there. Maybe you can help me with this? how can a serious commitment to fascism - or whatever its called - ideology (for I assume perceived good intentions) square with child sex abuse murder and genocide in PE?