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A compact Frippertronics rig

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 11:05 am
by Indeterminacy
I have several microcassette recorders and I can't think of something
more impractical to do with them at the moment.

"One of Fripp’s most groundbreaking efforts centers around his Frippertronics System, which involves looping on three different analog reel-to-reel tape machines. Fripp used three Revox tape machines—one A77 and two B77s—to achieve this highly unique sound. The first instance of Frippertronics on record is on Fripp and Brian Eno’s (No Pussyfooting), where Fripp contributes guitar work. "
From here: ... bert-fripp

So, different but the same.
And here is an example with a system to increase the delay.

I am soliciting ideas here.

Re: A compact Frippertronics rig

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2023 6:55 am
by crochambeau
A spray of un-connected thoughts as the morning tea kicks in.

Is it possible to punch a hole to allow tape to travel from one device to another? I love me some cassette packaging, but the format makes swinging tape more challenging than open reel.

I'd think mounting the transports in alignment on a solid plane of some sort would be the first step, as stringing tape between handheld recorders sounds nightmarish to me.

That tape is narrow, so having the motors fight each other is probably a bad idea. Maybe some slip in the system or an idler arm that will reduce supply to the following motor if tension on the tape lifts it to a point.

Now I'm talking about a wow and flutter machine though.

Single motor and a collection of heads? That's a big ask for a stock unit.

I keep coming around to a nice and solid fixture plate in my thinking, the format and tape speeds available can keep this somewhat compact, 12x18"? Smaller? Something that could be slid into a rack if need be.