Total Jerk is a fart: explosive and fairly stinky, but quickly fades from memory. It sounds like it was captured with a bottom-dollar digital recorder, appropriately evoking the atmosphere of a cluttered and dimly-lit basement. If that sounds like a place you want to be in, then hey, more power to you.
One thing worth noting, however, is the abundance of harsh popping/clicking noises throughout, especially obvious during the opening track: when I first heard this, I legitimately thought gravel was hitting my windshield (I was listening to this while driving). I doubt it was intentional, but I think something really interesting on a meta level could be done with establishing these two drastically different ‘planes’ of sound; maybe the popping noises gradually develop into drastically harsher textures that contrast with the ‘baseline’ noise, as if something more real and sinister is trying to break through the listener’s speakers.
As-is, though, the only thing redeeming about Total Jerk [IMO] is the cover art.