FAP wrote: ↑Wed Jan 08, 2020 11:52 am
I killed troniks... I think.
How so?
Yeah ol error...I mean autocorrect ol rrron.
He seemed to have gotten crotchety dealing with the forum. I don't blame him but he should have known better
FAP wrote: ↑Wed Jan 08, 2020 11:52 am
I killed troniks... I think.
How so?
Yeah ol error...I mean autocorrect ol rrron.
He seemed to have gotten crotchety dealing with the forum. I don't blame him but he should have known better
Rrron does have some good stories.
Well this was already six or seven years back so I donxe2x80x99t remember much, but knowing how I was back then it probably involved me making an ass of myself which led to me getting banned. What upset people IIRC was Tim (Cementimental) also got band around the same time for something perceived as far more petty than whatever I was doing, so some people started to turn on RRRon and question the stability of the forum.
Nice to see you again Rubbish, I genuinely missed your presence at NoiseGuide.
FAP wrote: ↑Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:23 pm
What upset people IIRC was Tim (Cementimental) also got band around the same time for something perceived as far more petty than whatever I was doing, so some people started to turn on RRRon and question the stability of the forum.
Yeah.. Phil banned me for posting too many images..
Shortly before RRRon deleted his link to the forum he banned Zeno apparently for an anecdote where he was complaining about old people taking too long in the line at the post office (and Ron took that personally?) and that banning seemed to piss off many.
Ironically, the old age insults would only intensify after that: I distinctly recall Elias (Sleep it Ages) referring to RRRon as xe2x80x9cSenile Beaulieau.xe2x80x9d
That said, I donxe2x80x99t remember this Zeno person at all. Who was he/she?
FAP wrote: ↑Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:41 pm
That said, I donxe2x80x99t remember this Zeno person at all. Who was he/she?
I think he went by Zeno Marx? I dunno who or where he was but he pretty went off my radar after that.. the only thing I recall was that he inexplicably collected Grateful Dead bootlegs or something.
I do recall somebody posting that their grandfather or uncle passed away, and left behind a large collection of grateful dead bootleg tapes. Might be the same person; they posted a topic asking about what they should do with the tapes
FAP wrote: ↑Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:46 pm I do recall somebody posting that their grandfather or uncle passed away, and left behind a large collection of grateful dead bootleg tapes. Might be the same person; they posted a topic asking about what they should do with the tapes
I dunno.. pretty sure if it was him .. he would have simply kept the tapes..
The only other thing I recall was he was mortified at the notion that people were recording using clipping on purpose. Not sure how he ended up on a noise forum.
He has an account on SI and is still posting there so... and for what it's worth he mentions the grateful dead a number of times and references them has having done noisey jams
i saw dan menche when he first started in pdx, my favorite performance was at the howling frog, a shit little coffee shop in an old brick building, he had various old stereo equipment stacked up behind him while he worked the recordless players, at one point he pours handfuls of dirt onto the spinning platter, walls of rumbling crackle fill the air, eventually it ends in screeching feedback, driving most patrons into the street
cultofthesunmachine wrote: ↑Wed Jan 08, 2020 3:44 pm
eventually it ends in screeching feedback, driving most patrons into the street
One of my favorite sets of my own was causing GX Jupitter Larsen to leave the venue using feedback on a Lexicon Super Prime Time that I had slung over my shoulder with a belt for a strap attached the rack ears.