So I've been looking for decent alternatives to the biggest, most popular video sharing platform, and I feel the options are not so great. So lately I've been uploading stuff to Rumble. Supposedly Rumble is like YouTube "without the censorship": a lovely Utopian video platform based on freedom of speech, where all points of view can be shared without consequence. And in reality, it is absolutely full of right-wing bullshit which I hate.
But on the other hand... fuck it's easy to use. Uploading videos to Rumble just seems so much quicker, easier, simpler, than YouTube. And if they actually keep their promise of being a platform for "all points of view" ... well, we'll see... I haven't uploaded anything political yet, but at some point, I think I'm gonna wanna test that with some Leftist content. So far I've just been uploading demos of noise boxes that I've made.
Am I supporting a Right-Wing, Conservative based platform? Or am I just trying to support damn near any reasonable alternative competition to YouTube? I feel like what I am mainly doing is just using a website that makes it really stinking easy to upload and share videos.
But... the problem for me is, I'm kinda posting demo vids of noise gear for a reason. Because I am trying to sell stuff. But how are my customers going to react, if the demo vids of my pedals and such are hosted on a fucking right-wing video platform, with commercials for crap like "Orange Shit Gibbon Gold Bars"? Ugh! YouTube has just become such a hassle though, and such a dominating platform on the Internet, that I'd like to see almost anyone knock them off their perch.
also, why is this goalie shaking a giant tube of lipstick at me?