I had a coupon I needed to waste after work today:

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Yeah.. I have reached maximum hoard and sadly not just with toys.. I need to purge. After this recent move and scope of my hoard has made itself apparent. It's amazing how much stuff one can stash in every crevice of a house and surrounding structures.FAP wrote: ↑Sun Jan 26, 2020 12:46 pm Therexe2x80x99s definitely a tendency to more or less xe2x80x98hoardxe2x80x99 toys for bends later. For me itxe2x80x99s a seasonal thing, literally: stay inside and make things in the winter, go outside and play in the summer... with the odd exceptions. Ixe2x80x99ve learned to be very selective with my thrift store purchases; usually I wonxe2x80x99t pick it up unless I know I can mod it from experience, or if itxe2x80x99s something rare or unusual that I donxe2x80x99t think Ixe2x80x99ll come across again. Good example: picked up this circa 70-80s door alarm because of the design and brand new condition, only to find out therexe2x80x99s not much I could do with it. Often Ixe2x80x99ll pass on toys simply for not having an input, or anything that could feasibly turn into one.
It sold for $26 not including shipping.. they have sold for close to $50 and it's kinda worth it because it's a very playable. You can also get the ic in it .