Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by The Mysterious Creep »

RUBBISH wrote: Mon Mar 09, 2020 8:46 am Image
I support this entirely.
Even if you took a few years and learned all the chords you'd still have a limited number of options. If you ignore the chords your options are infinite and you can master guitar playing in one day. - David Fair
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by pickle »

JLIAT wrote: Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:01 am PE bands used [...] child porn, Nazismxe2x80xa6
you've mentioned these a few times but i think if you were to scratch deeper than the surface of pe you would find that these elements are not widely represented across the board. sure, there, no question. among any number of potential provocations, precise intention of which is not so clear cut. but pe ranges so much further and deeper that, to paraphrase smell & quim, with respect to the seemingly ongoing preoccupation therein, one might be inclined to wonder who the pervert is here. or is that the point?
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by JLIAT »

pickle wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 8:53 am
JLIAT wrote: Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:01 am PE bands used [...] child porn, Nazismxe2x80xa6
you've mentioned these a few times but i think if you were to scratch deeper than the surface of pe you would find that these elements are not widely represented across the board. sure, there, no question. among any number of potential provocations, precise intention of which is not so clear cut. but pe ranges so much further and deeper that, to paraphrase smell & quim, with respect to the seemingly ongoing preoccupation therein, one might be inclined to wonder who the pervert is here. or is that the point?
Scratching the first few hundred under 'power electronics' @ discogs might be considered 'deeper'? But it seems it was there from the get go...

Not sure about perversion though? Just deliberate provocation to begin, which in cases became serious.
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by pickle »

JLIAT wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 9:32 am
pickle wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 8:53 am
JLIAT wrote: Mon Mar 09, 2020 9:01 am PE bands used [...] child porn, Nazismxe2x80xa6
you've mentioned these a few times but i think if you were to scratch deeper than the surface of pe you would find that these elements are not widely represented across the board. sure, there, no question. among any number of potential provocations, precise intention of which is not so clear cut. but pe ranges so much further and deeper that, to paraphrase smell & quim, with respect to the seemingly ongoing preoccupation therein, one might be inclined to wonder who the pervert is here. or is that the point?
Scratching the first few hundred under 'power electronics' @ discogs might be considered 'deeper'? But it seems it was there from the get go...
...along with a great many other things. constantly referencing the one or two of many could be looking for provocation in all the wrong places. but again, that may well be the point.
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by JLIAT »

pickle wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 10:31 am
JLIAT wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 9:32 am
pickle wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 8:53 am

you've mentioned these a few times but i think if you were to scratch deeper than the surface of pe you would find that these elements are not widely represented across the board. sure, there, no question. among any number of potential provocations, precise intention of which is not so clear cut. but pe ranges so much further and deeper that, to paraphrase smell & quim, with respect to the seemingly ongoing preoccupation therein, one might be inclined to wonder who the pervert is here. or is that the point?
Scratching the first few hundred under 'power electronics' @ discogs might be considered 'deeper'? But it seems it was there from the get go...
...along with a great many other things. constantly referencing the one or two of many could be looking for provocation in all the wrong places. but again, that may well be the point.

I think it was originally a provocation, but has since simply become a 'style'. Hence the How do I..... questions.
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by ¾ dead »

Stop doing PE if you legitimately like to crush lesser animals for cummies, poop on babies or slit womens' tracheas (thrachei?) open and "Insta" your m3ga-nihilist friend-zon't cum-fingers over the act. But rock that shit if it makes your HATE that much stronger. Especially if you see any part of your scum self in any part of these things.

Stop blaming the devil. You are sick! You should kill yourself.
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by JLIAT »

xc2xbe dead wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:21 pm
Stop blaming the devil. You are sick! You should kill yourself.
No need, life is a sexually transmitted fatal disease.
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by RUBBISH »

JLIAT wrote: Sat Mar 14, 2020 1:53 am
xc2xbe dead wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:21 pm
Stop blaming the devil. You are sick! You should kill yourself.
No need, life is a sexually transmitted fatal disease.
I wanna d i e (but not right now)

The drumming and guitar sound in this song and their song pogo pogo are cited as being early examples of hardcore punk style ...and maybe this should be in the noisecore thread.
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by pumpingyrmom »

JLIAT wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 7:25 am
pickle wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 6:18 am
JLIAT wrote: Tue Feb 11, 2020 1:08 am how much is Power Electronics differentiated from Noise - Harsh Noise by "high frequency squealing sounds, and screamed, distorted, often hateful and offensive lyrics.." which relates it more towards live 'performance' than studio composition, editing etc. such as noise more related to Musique concrxc3xa8te.
(i.e. can the Noise 'label' include both these variations of sound production?) :?:
um, i think you're going to have to rephrase the question. but i'll try to answer based on what i think the question is asking. for me the power of power electronics goes to that old knowledge is power nugget. without knowledge, that is to say content, there is no power. there is just electronics. just noise. so call pe more explicitly content driven noise. there are obviously recognizably pe-ish sound elements that have been codified over time but more a product of how how i'd say things happened to work out.

I cant see the deliberately provocative imagery and lyrics of PE as anything much to do with 'knowledge'. Certainly in early cases the content being just that, and nothing more. But if the general right wing drive of PE is true, intellectualism and knowledge seems not apt.
Being intolerant of other folks' intolerances just means you're not very tolerant yourself.

Funny that you equate right wing leanings with a lack of intellectualism...as far as instinct and survival, i.e. real world intellect/street smarts....the leftist dolt that sees forced diversity as a beautiful necessity is usually the hypocrite living in a gentrified neighborhood or safe upper-middle class suburb. He has never known danger and lives his life outside of its reach.

Among other strengths of non-whites is a high value placed on honesty. The preening half-faggot that treats minorities like exotic pets and hates the color of his own skin will never be trusted by a person with a functioning brain.
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by RUBBISH »

Petite Fascists(great punk band name)
are what I call trendy far left wingers.
They have totalitarian leanings amd want to control..the say you hate Nazis but not see nutsy the one inside types.

Jliat is talking about I think the traditional rightwing the church(evangelicals Catholics CoE some mullah whatever) the ruralist 8th grade education farmer types the book burners PMRC (whoops tipper gore is a democrat!) Satanic panicists and conservatives in general who prefer a more traditional(real or imagined) life style...the extreme left is also anti information but for generations the left was the place for wide open expression expression and outsider types...its still that way bit not so wide open. Its more regulated and in ways that's not good.

The left right paradigm is out of date and really doesnt apply to real world interactions.
My neighbors that have rebel flags and listen to rap and that I smoke with what are they...they arent left or right.
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