Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by JLIAT »

pumpingyrmom wrote: Sat Mar 14, 2020 2:15 pm
JLIAT wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 7:25 am
pickle wrote: Thu Feb 27, 2020 6:18 am

um, i think you're going to have to rephrase the question. but i'll try to answer based on what i think the question is asking. for me the power of power electronics goes to that old knowledge is power nugget. without knowledge, that is to say content, there is no power. there is just electronics. just noise. so call pe more explicitly content driven noise. there are obviously recognizably pe-ish sound elements that have been codified over time but more a product of how how i'd say things happened to work out.

I cant see the deliberately provocative imagery and lyrics of PE as anything much to do with 'knowledge'. Certainly in early cases the content being just that, and nothing more. But if the general right wing drive of PE is true, intellectualism and knowledge seems not apt.
Being intolerant of other folks' intolerances just means you're not very tolerant yourself.
Is that meant to be a criticism? Fundamentalists who go around blowing up people are generally not tolerated by even the most tolerant neo-liberals. And i'm no neo-liberal.
pumpingyrmom wrote: Sat Mar 14, 2020 2:15 pm Funny that you equate right wing leanings with a lack of intellectualism...
I didn't say that did I? I said it doesn't seem apt. I'm basing this on some quotes and specifically the idea of violence being preferable to open debate. And of course that's found in all authoritarian systems, both right and left. Mao's claiming to have more in common with LBJ that J P Sartre. Power from the barrel of a gun etc. But specifically the use of lyrics of violence and atrocities in PE of the extreme right, not apt in my opinion as many seem just fascinated with the imaginary in a fairly erotic sense. So if the imaginary of death camps is sexual, then its not intellectual, or is it IMO so if those using it genuinely advocate such totalitarian actions, right or left.
pumpingyrmom wrote: Sat Mar 14, 2020 2:15 pm as far as instinct and survival, i.e. real world intellect/street smarts....the leftist dolt that sees forced diversity as a beautiful necessity is usually the hypocrite living in a gentrified neighborhood or safe upper-middle class suburb. He has never known danger and lives his life outside of its reach.
Sounds to me then like the said xe2x80x9c real world intellect/street smarts....the leftist dolt xe2x80x9c is smart. Nice life!
pumpingyrmom wrote: Sat Mar 14, 2020 2:15 pm Among other strengths of non-whites
This thing, and i'm annoyed as its personal, really pisses me off. Coming from a white working class background, labelled factory fodder, with then a shorter life expectancy than many others, and from a class that was when not used as factory fodder was used as cannon fodder. Who had to mask the 'common' accent, so typical of the stupid council house proles etc.

Check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_A ... haftesbury

Sure slavery was a great evil, was before the west's slave trade and still is, but please don't lay this at the door of a white working class, without first a little history.
pumpingyrmom wrote: Sat Mar 14, 2020 2:15 pm Among other strengths of non-whites is a high value placed on honesty. The preening half-faggot that treats minorities like exotic pets and hates the color of his own skin will never be trusted by a person with a functioning brain.
If you have a functioning brain please check out the misery of many white poor in the past*. Seems not only racist but 'half-faggot' xe2x80x93 homophobic as well. I think the high value placed on honesty by non-whites in particular odd? I see no particular evidence that skin colour equates to honesty, I do note that it doesn't always pay to be honest, especially when in an inferior position. IOW honesty is something one has to be able to afford, or face the consequences. Similar could be said re 'trust'. All xe2x80x9cgoodxe2x80x9d Victorian values. Something to be suspicious of - my Grandfather taught me.

Boring History

*Not that long ago - my grandparents lived in fear of the workhouse, my grandmother sent to a 'hospital' which once was one, having dementia lasted two weeks in a non heated ward in winter, as did my grandfather a few years latter. Dementia brought on by the death of two sons, in a family of 9.... etc. My cousin lived in a back to back house till 16, only a cold tap, no bathroom, no toilet. Others lived in digs... We lived with my grandparents... (i'm from a single parent family) aunts and uncles would visit, to see us and use our bath! And this made a joke...

"Cage's 4'33" = 273 seconds xe2x88x92273.15xc2xb0 C = absolute zero."
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by The Mysterious Creep »

Not to disrupt this sincere discussion of racial and class issues, but I actually just said "fuck it" and made a Seinfeld Jugend track. Maybe not necessarily PE because there's fairly minimal use of synth (just one sub-bass pulse put through some effects, the rest is all contact mic taped on a plastic sheet feedback), but compositionally it is. Sort of a hybrid of the harsh noise Sutcliffe Jugend sound with the minimal, droning Atrax Morgue style. Does a collection of Seinfeld jokes that Screen Rant has proclaimed "aged poorly" truly have the power to offend?

As much of a complete joke as this track is, I do think something could be made of a Power Electronics act exploring hatred in the more subtle ways it can be worked into life, rather than just "burn all the subhumans, r*pe is good" (as an aside, I was really unsure whether or not I should just leave that changed to "rap" as the board wanted it because it's darkly comedic) shock tactics. If it came down to a sample of a Hitler speech or old people casually discussing "negroes" and "darkies," I'd find the latter much more interesting from an intellectual standpoint and, in a way, more disturbing.
Last edited by The Mysterious Creep on Sun May 17, 2020 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by RUBBISH »

Holy shit that was a storm of dicks.
Good job.
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by RUBBISH »

I was very young at the time, and I felt that I had to immerse myself in all horrors to come to terms with them. I went through a lot of these things one by one. Although it again doesnxe2x80x99t look like that in retrospect when you view it from 2013, but then it was very much from the perspective of the suffering from it. It was trying to come to terms with the suffering rather than the victimization, even though it looks different. People identify certain themes and are attracted through the visceral component rather than where it comes from, in the heart.

Itxe2x80x99s the same with the language that was used. A song like xe2x80x9cA Cunt Like Youxe2x80x9d was seen by a lot of people, critics and fans alike, as being a of sort of paean to misogyny. I hate explaining lyrics, because I donxe2x80x99t think one should, but I gave a talk in London where I explained that the truth is that it was anything but. It was actually language used by my parents against each other and part of it was about the hypocrisy of men and their relationship towards women of their own age and, say, their teenage daughters. I saw it as the same thing, they have the same feelings towards their daughters that they do towards women of their own age, but itxe2x80x99s a nasty, dark secret. So, thatxe2x80x99s what that song is really about, itxe2x80x99s not a paean or anthem to misogyny in any way. But as soon as itxe2x80x99s picked up like that, especially when some are even people who like your music and start seeing it in those terms, then Ixe2x80x99ve got a problem.

William Bennett from some interview.
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by The Mysterious Creep »

RUBBISH wrote: Sun Mar 15, 2020 5:30 pm Holy shit that was a storm of dicks.
Truly the highest compliment I have ever been paid.
Even if you took a few years and learned all the chords you'd still have a limited number of options. If you ignore the chords your options are infinite and you can master guitar playing in one day. - David Fair
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by RUBBISH »

The Mysterious Creep wrote: Sun Mar 15, 2020 5:41 pm
RUBBISH wrote: Sun Mar 15, 2020 5:30 pm Holy shit that was a storm of dicks.
Truly the highest compliment I have ever been paid.

Storm of dicks is a phrase from a Louis CK bit about his friends 15 year old daughter coming of age sexually and how her father wont be able to stop the storm of dicks coming at his daughter and she is guaranted at least one bad sexual experience and how s!ck the father is for th!nking about his daughter having sex...its a good bit

Comedy and PE have a lot in common.
Try fucking with a comedian on stage...
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by melko »

The Mysterious Creep wrote: Sun Mar 15, 2020 5:16 pm
fucking hell this is excellent
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by timdrage »

pumpingyrmom wrote: Sat Mar 14, 2020 2:15 pm Being intolerant of other folks' intolerances just means you're not very tolerant yourself.

absolute basic nonsense. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance

Funny that you equate right wing leanings with a lack of intellectualism.
it's not funny, anti-intellectualism is objectively a commonly known tactic of the far right
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by timdrage »

This would make a good 'historical' PE track
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Re: Power Electronics Tips xe2x86xa9

Post by Fire of the Mind »

I like how it's just a collection of generic "bad things" to British nationalists of the period which only have any consistency if you assume that unconditional pacifism, anarcho-syndicalism, Irish nationalism, pro-German sentiment and violent antinomianism are all literally exactly the same thing. It's like Phyllis Schlafly's "so you think it's bad that thousands of women didn't die in Vietnam?!" to the nth degree.

Which, of course, makes it fucking amazing.

All things considered, though, I think I'm more in the late Sutcliffe Jxc3xbcgend/Consumer Electronics camp with PE lyrics where I like the words themselves to have more of a creeping dread and disorientation factor and just a more psychological or poetic bent. Dom Fernow also sometimes captures this through pure abstraction. I dunno. I like being forced to think awhile about why certain sequences of words said or screamed in particular tones over certain sounds make me uncomfortable. Not to say pure shock or force or grim irony can't be effective, however, as it totally is much of the time. But I like when lyrics open up in layers on reflection.
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