How much does it cost to produce and distribute a single copy of issue #3?Soloman Tump wrote: ↑Mon Apr 04, 2022 2:58 amHimukalt was very forthcoming for an interview - I was very happy with how that worked out! She makes some amazing music, and has a real story to tell.Pigswill wrote: ↑Sun Apr 03, 2022 9:36 pm Got my issues in the mail last week. I've been enjoying #3. The interviews are all interesting and entertaining. I like how the artists are introduced in relation to the author. It's turned me onto some interesting musicians like Chlorine and Himukalt (the latter of which had some really vivid imagery about the magic draw of a streetlamp which stemmed from a simple question about what's out the window). The Scum Alice interview was great too, answering a lot of questions about the music and its creation. Plus the SPL-ITS article related to the forums was a great inclusion. I also definitely appreciate the shout-outs to moon musiq and GEMS!
Was fun including the splits stuff, I wanted to include more quotes from board members but I kinda ran out of space and my page could was already getting bigger. I didn't want to reduce the font size too much so that's how I left it.
my next zine will be smaller in terms of page count. Maybe 2 or 3 folded sheets at most? Gonna be more of a bulletin / newsletter with maybe 1 interview, reviews and stuff. I can then print them off myself - the complete ballache with the printing service I used this time around was a joke and the costs have gone up loads since I last did it. The other option was to go "more professional" but there's no way I can compete with the likes of Noise Receptor Journal (and nor do I want to) - so I think I shall keep it DIY. That keeps me happy and in control of whats going on.
So yeah, going back to total DIY. Smaller page count also means cheaper postage, which is also a massive cost right now. Also considering a PDF option again so international people / distro's can print their own? Dunno. Just an idea.
Happy to hear peoples thoughts on this!
You can always highlight phrases and scribble in the marginsSocial_Drift wrote: ↑Mon Apr 04, 2022 12:06 am it's really fucked up to thing to admit, but I hardly ever have the patience to read things unless I can reply to the text. but it looked cool and new. maybe I'll try playing some noise at the same time...