Difference between revisions of "Noise Blogging"

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* [http://kittycock.blogspot.com/ kittycock]
* [http://kittycock.blogspot.com/ kittycock]
* [http://kitschstortion.blogspot.com Kitschstortion]
* [http://kitschstortion.blogspot.com Kitschstortion]
* [http://komakultur.blogspot.com/ Koma Kultur]
* <s>[http://komakultur.blogspot.com/ Koma Kultur]</s>
* [http://kellegyalszentistenhazugjosaga.blogspot.com/ Need A Hypocrite God Lying Goodness]
* <s>[http://kellegyalszentistenhazugjosaga.blogspot.com/ Need A Hypocrite God Lying Goodness]</s>
* [http://moralstain.blogspot.com/ Moral Stain]
* [http://moralstain.blogspot.com/ Moral Stain]
* [http://music-stinks.com/ Music Stinks!]
* [http://music-stinks.com/ Music Stinks!]

Revision as of 18:04, 14 March 2017

This page is being depreciated in favor of categories

In order to have your project/label/blog appear on this page you need to create a user account, create a page for your project and add the proper category to your page.

User Account If you haven't already click the create user account link in the upper right hand part of the page. Once you have created a user account you can edit your user page but this is not where your Noise project info should live. Make a new page for your noise project. It's fun and easy!

How to create a page for your noise project Login into your user account Then reate your project page by typing the name of your project in the field below. The clickthe button to the right.

Adding a category Once you have created your page then add [[Category:Noise ]] at the bottom of the page.
Edit the word Noise to match the appropriate category.
You can add other categories as well to indicate where you are based or other styles that describe your project.

Please add more info than a link to your website such as some background info. Where you are from, discography etc.

Images It is highly encouraged to upload pics especially if there is a visual element to your project whether it's a bag on your head or any other kind of presentation.

Page Template You can use a template (highly encouraged as it will make your page look better) for your noise page by going to Template:Noise, clicking on the view source tab,
copying the code and pasting it into the blank page and then editing the page.

Release pages If you make individual pages for your projects releases please put the name of your project as a category on that page.
For example [[Category:TheNameOfYourProject:Releases ]]

Pro Tip Another way to create a new page with the template preloaded is by editing this URL with the name of your project and then pasting the link into your browser. This will create a new page named after your project with the template preloaded.


