Difference between revisions of "Disfigured Robot Child"

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Disfigured Robot Child - an unknown album i Deleted, It was Experimental,glitch,noise,hardcore.
Disfigured Robot Child - an unknown album i Deleted, It was Experimental,glitch,noise,hardcore-techno.
Disfigured Robot Child - Lost Connections - 2011
Disfigured Robot Child - Lost Connections - 2011
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Disfigured robot child - The Chaotic Noise Chronicles  
Disfigured robot child - The Chaotic Noise Chronicles  
Disfigured robot child - Welcome to West Milford, New Jersey
Disfigured robot child - Turn your lights out + Turn the lights on
Disfigured robot child - Rot in hell
Disfigured robot child - unreleased shitty beats EP
Disfigured robot child - I'm Not Dead Yet.
Disfigured robot child - Music for drug fiends and weirdos
Disfigured robot child - The Benzo Sessions

Revision as of 22:09, 31 March 2019

A2039749549 10.jpg

Album cover to pantsu


Bullshit people don't care about

(2011 - Present) Disfigured Robot Child is a Experimental/Harsh noise project from West Milford, New Jersey, Influenced by Pogo[1], Dissociative Children[2] and japanoise[3]. These acts and artist at the time made me want to experiment with music, Pogos - Interlude Of The Disfigured Robot Children[4] is where the disfigured robot child name came from. Disfigured robot child has made multiple Albums and splits with artist Philippopolis, yeongrak (Goruo), Dental work, xenogorga and Crustgirls. Goruo used to be a group but now its a net label ran by disfigured robot child. where he goes by many aliases on the likes of Marimaidona and Klonona. Marimaidona's - I'll never be loved[5] is a little bit of an online experimental cult classic




Drugs, Renoise,Samples, VSTS, Synthesizers, Guitar Pedals , Contact mics, sheets of steel


You can contact disfigured robot child through his Bandcamp accounts.


Links to your projects online

-- 2011 --

Disfigured Robot Child - an unknown album i Deleted, It was Experimental,glitch,noise,hardcore-techno.

Disfigured Robot Child - Lost Connections - 2011

-- 2012 --

Disfigured Robot Child & Philippopolis - p_p 2012

Disfigured Robot Child - Plenty of Disfigured Robot Child (not noise) 2012

Disfigured Robot Child - BOROBOROLO (kind of noise 2012

Disfigured Robot Child - ERR0R 2012

Disfigured Robot Child - Yukaohashi 2012

Disfigured Robot Child - Everything's Back Together For Now 2012

Disfigured Robot Child - Reduce To Pieces 2012

Disfigured Robot Child - Kegadoru (compilation) late 2012

Disfigured Robot Child - Kana

Disfigured Robot Child - Plenty of Disfigured Robot Child, vol 2 (Not Noise) 2012

-- 2013 --

Disfigured Robot Child - Nasophilia

Disfigured Robot Child - The Soft

Disfigured Robot Child - 自殺

Disfigured Robot Child - Pantsu

Disfigured Robot Child - Tsubomi

Disfigured Robot Child - People Ruin Everything

Disfigured Robot Child - nine (Kind of noise)

Disfigured Robot Child - lowlife scum

Disfigured Robot Child - swarmm (Kind of Noise)

Disfigured Robot Child - Kyouka

-- 2014 --

Disfigured Robot Child - All music should be free.

Disfigured Robot Child - 199X

Disfigured Robot Child - kegadoru 2 (compilation from 2012 to 2014.)

Disfigured Robot Child - Meido

Disfigured Robot Child - April Disaster

Disfigured Robot Child - im not sure (released on Galactic intolerance Records)

Disfigured Robot Child - 408

-- 2015 --

Disfigured Robot Child - I Rather Die.

Disfigured Robot Child - Sniff Sniff

Disfigured Robot Child - imgay

Disfigured Robot Child - Paranoid

Disfigured Robot Child - Alice

Disfigured Robot Child - DRC LOVES YOU

Disfigured Robot Child - I just want to be alone

Disfigured Robot Child - Youngest and The Sweetest. (Loliripe Tribute)

Disfigured Robot Child - I AM NOTHING

Disfigured Robot Child - Meido Part II

Disfigured Robot Child - Where were you?

Disfigured Robot Child - mindless noise psychopath brings the fucking jams

Disfigured Robot Child - 桜

Disfigured Robot Child - how long will this go on?

Disfigured Robot Child - I LOVE DEAD GIRLS

Disfigured Robot Child - Wake me up when im dead.

Disfigured Robot Child - I can't think of anything

Disfigured Robot Child - DEEP

Disfigured Robot Child - No Problem?

Disfigured Robot Child - 盲目少女

Disfigured Robot Child - puberty is like an overnight thing for females

Disfigured Robot Child - You've already grown up. The damage has already been done, It's too late.

Disfigured Robot Child - Kegadoru 3 (COmpilation)

Disfigured Robot Child - I LOVE DEAD GIRLS + how long will this go on?

-- 2016 --

Dental Work & Disfigured Robot Child - Split ( Placenta Records)

Disfigured Robot Child - Life was boring and i didn't care (Not Noise)

Disfigured Robot Child - noise is not music

Disfigured Robot Child - night brain

Disfigured Robot Child - Slowly Dying Inside split w/ Crustgirls

Disfigured Robot Child - Be Prepared To Die.

Disfigured Robot Child - I've Fallen

-- 2017 --

Disfigured Robot Child - everything is just fine (Not noise)

Disfigured Robot Child - We're not sorry

Disfigured Robot Child - Fall contrast

Disfigured Robot Child - February 2017 Winter Sessions -

Disfigured Robot Child - agh

Disfigured Robot Child - Interpretation -

Disfigured Robot Child - dissociations, hallucinations, and dream​-​like states

Disfigured Robot Child - My liver hurts

disfigured robot child - live in New Jersey 2017

Disfigured Robot Child - neither here nor there

Disfigured Robot Child - Turn your lights out!

Disfigured Robot Child - Turn the lights on!

-- 2018 --

Disfigured Robot Child - January Sessions

Disfigured Robot Child - Jay Watson of Dental work tribute.

Disfigured Robot Child - The Trash Master

Disfigured robot child - Deprivation

Disfigured Robot Child - The roof of your mouth

Disfigured Robot child - The noise sessions

Disfigured Robot Child - The Very Worst. A Compilation

Disfigured Robot Child - This Is Noise!

Disfigured robot Child - Not for Human Consumption

Disfigured Robot Child - I Don't Know Who I Am Anymore?

Disfigured robot child - Why do you show me iniquity?

Disfigured robot child - The Chaotic Noise Chronicles

Disfigured robot child - Welcome to West Milford, New Jersey

Disfigured robot child - Turn your lights out + Turn the lights on

Disfigured robot child - Rot in hell

-- 2019 --

Disfigured robot child - unreleased shitty beats EP

Disfigured robot child - I'm Not Dead Yet.

Disfigured robot child - Music for drug fiends and weirdos

Disfigured robot child - The Benzo Sessions


Goruo - phenolphthalein

Goruo - 0202​-​2020

Goruo - suicide princess

Goruo - it isn't scary, just really weird

Goruo - Piss & Cum

Goruo - あやか

Goruo - Scum fucker

Goruo - Sounds Of Tragedy

Goruo - True Love

Goruo - BYLVE

Goruo - GORUO

Goruo - Com​-​Pile

Goruo - NoiseGuide Forums Compilation 2018 Presented by Goruo


Marimaidona - Rikako

Marimaidona - SHIORI

Marimaidona - CAN OF WORMS

marimaidona - i'll never be loved

Marimaidona - Galactic Radiation


klonona - First and Probably The Last.

Klonona - Please don't cry

Klonona - I don't want to be here

Klonona - Yes i did this


Klonona - Lost In A Stream of Dreams: Selected EccoJams

Klonona - motion

Klonona - Invisible( Placenta records )


Oswald - k

