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KIRA is the harsh noise/HNW project of recording artist Vincent Ceraso, based in Sewell, New Jersey, USA. The debut self-titled demo was released on October 7th, 2015. What started out as strictly harsh noise wall soon began focusing more on harsh noise and drone, but still keeping in touch with traditional HNW. The KIRA albums usually consist of one to three or more tracks, and are often times written as concept albums. Influences include Prurient, Vomir, Merzbow and Full of Hell.

To date, KIRA has done splits with noise acts such as See Through Buildings, Verruckt, Koobaatoo Asparagus and MOYO.

On February 5th, 2016, the very first KIRA full-length LP "Modernism Tragedy" was released, and due to the success of it, a follow-up full-length record "The Human Condition" was released on July 1st, 2016.

On May 12th, 2017, KIRA released "KIRA III." After that, the project went on hiatus for over a year until June 2018, when KIRA released "it's better to live in solitude." via Bandcamp. It was announced via Facebook that KIRA would be going back to its roots and "would only be strictly HNW from this moment forward."


Vincent Ceraso - Production, recording


-Behringer Xenyx 802 Mixer

-Blue Yeti Microphone

-Dean Playmate 10 watt guitar amp

-FAB Distortion Pedal

-Digitech Death Metal Distortion Pedal

-Digitech DGR Grunge Analog-Distortion Pedal

-Electro-Harmonix Metal Muff Distortion Pedal

-Audacity for recording



-KIRA (Demo)


-Mental Obscurity



-Saturn Devouring His Son

-This Man

-Drone Season



-Screams in Silence

-Verruckt/KIRA Split

-Modernism Tragedy LP


-In the Heat of the Night (KIRA/Koobaatoo Asparagus split)

-The Coastal Tides of Noise (KIRA/See Through Buildings split)

-Uncharted, Unguarded II

-Slowly, but surely, the world became silent

-Mountain of the Dead

-We Were Here (Lives Torn Apart)

-We Were Here II (Nowhere to Run)


-MOYO/KIRA split

-We Were Here III (Aftermath)

-Sanity Departs (released via HNW)

-Recurring Nightmare

-The Suicide Forest (Split w/ VERRUCKT)

-The Human Condition LP

-Unforgivable (released via KITSCH MAGIK)

-KIRA (Self-Titled)

-Shot in the Head


-KIRA LIVE SHOW - 10/31 (audio taken from a live broadcast via Facebook)

-Binary (released via BLINDESMOTIV RELOADED)


-Mankind's Virus LP



-it's better to live in solitude.


-"The Kanto Region Blues" (2000 member compilation, released via HNW HARSH NOISE WALL)

-"Homicidal Dilemma" (100 : Celebrating 100 Releases With HNW, released via HNW)


