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A discography is a list of songs, albums, Tapes or other audio work you've made/

unless you have links to places where people can download the albums, discographies are fucking pointless. regardless of this fact, most noise musicians tend to dedicate a page on their website to every tiny insignificant sound they have ever made that nobody gives a shit about, and they never have links. some noise artists realized that it looks better if their discography is in ALL CAPS

example of a noise musician's discography:

  1. 00001 - 8am, May, 1992, I Farted While Watching TV
  2. 00002 - May, 1961, I Dropped A Glass Plate and it Shattered
  3. 00003 - 11am, June 15th, 1992, I Farted On the Bus (featuring Some Black Guy Staring at Me)
  4. 00004 - June 38th, 1994, I Farted In my College English Class
  5. 00005 - July 14th, 1942, Show With ASSHOLES CUNTS, BLIMEY BASKET CASE and TITTY WANK
  6. 00006 - Sept 25th, 1997, Played a show at the Garden of Beerfarts pub
  7. 00007 - october, 2001, Recorded the sound of Fucking a Prostitute

noise musicians also take extreme pride in how many shows they've played. once again, nobody cares, but they will often list all 1853103580 of the shows theyve played as if it means they are good or something