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No Talent! No Copyright! No Interest What-So-Ever! We Suck!

Mike Love 666. Artless Shitnoise From England.

Nova-cd.jpg Cnccr-cd-r-2006.jpg Baise-cd-r-2006.jpg Ego.jpg

We Be On MySpace.com We Be!

Us on Last FM (regularly updated)
Our Soundclick (regularly updated)
A billion Archive.org downloads (occasionally updated)
Our "work in progress" Discogs page (we got bored, let someone else finish it)
Our MySpace (ignored for 2 years and counting and in need of a clean up)



Let's hope not as this self-conscious young lady is now the cover star of the first new Mike Love 666 mini CD-R release (and it's Last FM equivalent) for almost 18 months...

Mini CD-R Releases

"untitled" (no label, March 2011)
"7 Reason Why We Suck (a Third Official Collection of Previously Released Crud)", (Liz Hurley Loves Noise Music January 2010 deleted)
"What Was So Bad About the 9th of November?" (Liz Hurley Loves Noise Music, August 2009 deleted)
"untitled" (Liz Hurley Loves Noise Music, August 2009 deleted)

CD-R Releases

Note that the content of our CD-R releases may not match-up with their same title MP3 equivalents.

"untitled" (Liz Hurley Loves Noise Music, September 2009 deleted)
"untitled" (Liz Hurley Loves Noise Music, September 2009 deleted)
"Three Cheers for Allah!" (no label, 2009 deleted)
"untitled" (Liz Hurley Loves Noise Music, August 2009 deleted)
"untitled" (Liz Hurley Loves Noise Music, August 2009 deleted)
"untitled" (Liz Hurley Loves Noise Music, July 2009 deleted)
"N.O.B." (Liz Hurley Loves Noise Music, 2009 deleted)
"Remember You're From Georgia" (no label, 2009 deleted) as MiKE BATT 666
re-mix collaboration with OBSOLETE (OFFICE EQUIPMENT) (Liz Hurley Loves Noise Music, 2008, released on CD-R in 2009 deleted)
"untitled" (no label, April 2008 deleted)
split with BLOXWHICH BITCH BOX (no label, 2008 deleted)
"Too Cute" (no label, 2008 deleted)
split with NOYZBOYZ (version 2) (no label, 2008 deleted)
split with NOYZBOYZ (version 1) (People=Shit Productions, 2008)
split with ACIDIC JIZZ and HAPPY BIRTHDAY (no label, 2007 deleted)
split with NYMPHS OR SATYRS? (Central Dynamo Room, 2007 deleted?)
"Mike Luvs Lowri (a Tribute to Lowri Turner)" (no label, 2007 deleted)
"untitled" (Reality Impaired Records, 2007)
split with NOVA-SAK (Swamp of Puss, 2006 deleted)
"Baise Moi!" (Smell the Stench, 2006 deleted?)
"untitled" (CNCCR Records, 2006)
"Greek Holiday Snaps" (Wet Lettuce, 2006 deleted)
re-mix collab with DANIEL LUNDH and HINYOUKI (Wet Lettuce, 2005 deleted)
"Everybody Wants To Fuck Steve Stringer" (Wet Lettuce, 2005 deleted)
"Fucking Ego Music" (Wet Lettuce, 2005 deleted)
"Fucking Ego Music" (HalloGallo, 2004 deleted)

Cassette Releases

Note that the content of our Cassette releases may not match-up with their same title MP3 equivalents.

"Cunt!!!" (no label, February 2011 deleted)
"Do Albanians Dream of Electric Fleas? (Just Ask the Telephone Company)" (no label, January 2011 deleted)
"Cunt!!" (no label, January 2011 deleted)
"Cunt!" (no label, 2009 deleted)
"untitled" (no label, May 2008)
"Baise Moi! (Re-mixed)" (Wet Lettuce, 2006 deleted)

Archive.org MP3 Downloads

Noy.jpg Glob.jpg Four-mothers.jpg Shatner.jpg

Note: MP3 albums don't always contain same tracks as the CD-R/Cassette that carries the same title.

"untitled" (March 2011) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666epMarch2011
"untitled" (June 2009) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666untitledEpjune2009
"Why We Love the U.S.A. (parts 1-13)" (2009) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666WhyWeLoveTheUSA_1_13
"Are We Not Crazy Cats? No, We Are Shitheads!" (2009) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666AreWeNotCrazyCatsNoWeAreShitheads
"untitled" (March 2009) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666UntitledMarch2009
"thee MILK & CHEESE Tapes Volume 2" (2009) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666-TheMilkAndCheeseTapesVol1-SmilingLikeABrokenWindow
split album with SKAT INJECTOR (2009) - http://www.archive.org/details/Wankers_Paradise_Release_2_2009
"thee MILK & CHEESE Tapes Volume 1" (2009) - http://www.archive.org/details/Wankers_Paradise_Release_1_2009
"untitled" (February 2009) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666anEpForFebuary2009
"Further Holiday Snaps: a Second Official Collection of Previously Released Crud" (2009) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666ASecondOfficialCollectionOfPreviouslyReleasedCrud
"Final Album" (2009) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666-FinalAlbumjanuary2009
"Another Rubbish EP" (2008) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666carlWebsterBumsKettles2008
"Bad Girl's Butt" (2008) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666BadGirlsButtEp2008
"untitled" (August 2008) - http://www.archive.org/details/FiveMoreHolidaySnaps
re-mix collaboration with OBSOLETE (OFFICE EQUIPMENT) (2008) - http://www.archive.org/details/ObsoleteofficeEquipmentAndMikeLove666SplitAlbum2008
"4 Mothers" (2008) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove6664Mothers
"untitled" (May 2008) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666-NewAlbumMay2008
"Not a Happy Bunny" (2008) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666-NotAHappyBunny
"untitled" (April 2008) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666April2008
"Too Cute" (2008) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666TooCute
split with BLOXWHICH BITCH BOX (2008) - http://www.archive.org/details/Bloxwhich_Bitch_Box_and_Mike_Love_666_split_CDR
split with NOYZBOYZ (version 2) (2008) - http://www.archive.org/details/NoyBoyzMikeLove666SplitCD_R
split with ACIDIC JIZZ and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (2007) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666AcidicJizzAndHappyBirthdaySplitCd-rmikeLove666Tracks
"Tracks from our CD-R with NYMPHS OR SATYRS?" (2007) - http://www.archive.org/details/TracksFromOurSplitCd-rWithNymphsOrSatyrs
"untitled" (Reality Impaired, 2007) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666_RealityImpairedRecords_2007
"the NOVA-SAK Tracks" (2006) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666TracksFromSplitCd-rWithNova-sak2006
"Baise Moi! (Re-mixed)" (2006) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666BaiseMoiRe-mixed_537
"Baise Moi!" (2006) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666BaiseMoi_618
"untitled (CNCCR Records) (2006) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666CNCCRalbum2006
"Greek Holiday Snaps" (2006) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666GreekHolidaySnaps2006
re-mix collab with DANIEL LUNDH and HINYOUKI (2005) - http://www.archive.org/details/DanielLundhHinyoukiMikeLove666PostalRemixProject2005
"Everybody Wants To Fuck Steve Stringer" (2005) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666EverybodyWantsToFuckSteveStringer
"Fucking Ego Music" (2004) - http://www.archive.org/details/MikeLove666FuckingEgoMusic_474

Last.FM MP3 Downloads

Note: MP3 albums don't always contain same tracks as the CD-R/Cassette that carries the same title.

"Untitled" (September 2009) - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/Untitled%2B%2528September%2B2009%2B-%2B%25232%2529
"Are We Not Crazy Cats? No We Are Posted On Last FM" (2009) - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/Are+We+Not+Crazy+Cats%3F+No+We+Are+Posted+On+Last+FM
"untitled (June 2009)" - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/untitled+(June+2009)
"N.O.B." (2009) - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/N.O.B.
"the Nova-sak / Nymphs Or Satyrs? Tracks" (2009) - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/the%2BNova-sak%2B%252F%2BNymphs%2BOr%2BSatyrs%253F%2BTracks
"untitled" (April 2009) - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/untitled+(April+2009)
"Why We Love the USA Parts 1-13" (2009) - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/Why+We+Love+the+USA+Parts+1-13
"Are We Not Crazy Cats? No, We Are Shitheads!" (2009) - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/Are+We+Not+Crazy+Cats%3F+No%2C+We+Are+Shitheads!
"untitled (February 2009)" - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/untitled+(February+2009)
"final album" (2009) - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/%22final%22+album
"Another Rubbish EP" (2008) - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/Another+Rubbish+EP
"untitled (August 2008)" - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/untitled+(August+2008)
"A Fine Selection of Previously Released Crud" (2008) - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/A+Fine+Selection+of+Previously+Released+Crud
"Untitled (May 2008)" - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/Untitled+(May+2008)]
"Not a Happy Bunny..." (2008) - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/Not+a+Happy+Bunny...
"Untitled (April 2008)" - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/Untitled+(April+2008)
"Untitled (Reality Impaired Records, 2007) - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/Untitled+(Reality+Impaired+Records+-+2007)
"Baise Moi!" (2006) - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/Baise+Moi!
"Greek Holiday Snaps" (2006) - http://www.last.fm/music/Mike+Love+666/Greek+Holiday+Snaps

Other MP3 Downloads

"untitled" (Grandpa Spaceship, 2009) - http://grandpaspaceship.blogspot.com/2009/03/mike-love-666-releases.html
split with BLOXWHICH BITCH BOX alternate version (Brain Sodomy, deleted 2008)
split with ACIDIC JIZZ and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (Noise-Joy, deleted 2007)
"How William Shatner Cured Cancer" (Dadaist Audio, 2007) - http://www.archive.org/details/DadaistAudio034
split with RUPERT MURDER "Body Heat Bangers" (Smell the Stench, 2007) - http://www.smellthestench.net/diy.htm
split with POLITICAL NECROSHEMALEBOB (Fecal Nazi Shapeshifter, 2007) - http://www.archive.org/details/pxnx_v_mikelove666
"untitled" (Legion Sudan, 2006) - http://www.archive.org/details/ls082_-_Mike_Love_666_-_no_title_as_such

Thee Mike Love 666 Manifesto 2007 (a Work In Progress)

Recently unearthed on the hard drive of an old PC, we figured it might be nice to share this with you...

We have long since broken most of the rules (see section #3)

01 - No Copyrights.

To put a value (monetary or material) on something is to commodify it. To commodify something is to deny it as art. Mike Love 666 deny any inherent value to their work, hense Mike Love 666's work is art.

As Mike Love 666's work is of no value there is no point in their claiming ownership of their work. Hence we dedicate it to the public domain free from both license and warranty.

02 - Low-art For Art's Sake.

"Art is anything you can get away with." Marshall McLuhan

Mike Love 666 make no claim to originality or talent, just the urge to create.

We embrace the outsider, the naive, the primitive. Skill and technique are relative, taste doubly so.

03 - Consistency is Over-Rated.

Mike Love 666 make no claims of consistency in their musical stylings nor their thoughts and philosophies.

04 - No Mike Love 666 Albums, Singles or EPs.

Hence forth the posting of this manifesto Mike Love 666 will no longer release their work in the form of multiple copy releases be them CD-R, MP3 or Cassette. Releases available through labels unaffiliated to Mike Love 666 will remain available until the labels themselves choose to delete/withdraw them.

Any requests for material by Mike Love 666 will be fulfilled with a one-off CD-R or Cassette featuring whatever music we choose to include. Details of these releases will not be published by Mike Love 666.

Any requests for new CD-R, MP3 or Cassette releases from any label will be rejected outright. However, due to our non-copyright stance feel free to produce and distribute your own Mike Love 666 releases.

05 - Musical Transparency

All new Mike Love 666 recordings will be made available for free download as individual tracks upon their completion.

06 - Never Send Us Money

We shall only spend it.

07 - And Finally...


Otto (Or Up With Dead People)

How could we forget this? Easily it would appear, concidering we only remembered after spotting a review of one of the director's old movies in a back issue of Headpress Journal.

Two Mike Love 666 tracks, George Harrison of Course and the Whoring of Tracy Finegan feature in this 2008 German/Canadian horror movie.

One of the producers told us he'd get us on the guest list for a showing near where we live. He didn't.

He then told us he'd send us some copies of the DVD. He was contractualy obliged too. He didn't.

Don't believe we're in a proper movie that got shown at the cinema? Follow this link and scroll about 85% of the way down the page and there's our credit.

We're not on the soundtrack LP either.

Compilation Appearences

"Tried it. Didn't work. Bloody Spoons..."
CD-R, Warner Buggers, 2009 one-off mixtape made by Mike as a gift for a girl he knows, featuring snippets of several Mike Love 666 tracks

"Love Noise"
MP3, Neurotic Mind Recordings, 2008 contains "Merry Christmas, Hello Safety (original MySpace mix)"

MP3, Catch 23, 2007 contains "A Bug's Life of Brian"

"Laughing In The Face Of Mainstream: A Dadaist Audio Compilation"
MP3, Dadaist Audio, 2007 contains "Jimi Hendrix Is Alive And Well And Living In Dagenham"

untitled gig freebie
CD-R, Sewer Anchovie, 2007 contains "Bowling For Rodents (Geri Halliwell 666 Re-mix)"

How To Be Mike Love 666

Music box.jpg


We think this is all of them...

"Fill This temple With Praise (Motherfucker)" and "Jesus Loves You More (You Tosser)" are uncreditied re-mixes of the tracks "Fill This temple With Praise" and "Jesus Loves You More" by christian singer-songwriter Steve Stringer. They can be found on the Mike Love 666 album "Everybody Wants To Fuck Steve Stringer"

"Louis Prima Sucks Cocks In Hell" is a re-mix of the classic Louis Prima single "Just a Jigalo/I Ain't Got Nobody". It is on the album "Greek Holiday Snaps"

The entire re-mix collab with DANIEL LUNDH and HINYOUKI album is re-mixes.

Our untitled album on CNCCR Records features re-mixes of "My Hearts Got a Mind of It's Own" by Victoria Beckham and "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana.

"The Arse of Mary" is a re-mix of "the Arms of Mary" by the Sutherland Brothers and can be found on our untitled album for Legion Sudan.

Our split album with RUPERT MURDER features our re-mixes of "Dream Lover" by Mariah Carey and "Some Girls" by Rachel Stevens.

Our "untitled" album Reality Impaired Records contained our re-mix of "£1:70" by RUPERT MURDER, which also featured on the RUPERT MURDER album "Murder Was the Face". The Reality Impaired Records album also features "Dog Vomit Shiner" re-mixed by DEDEDESPRIN and 2 re-mixes of "Bowling For Rodents" re-mixed by Geri Halliwell 666 and RUPERT MURDER respectively.

The split album with ACIDIC JIZZ and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! features the original version of our re-mix of "Are We Rolling Alfonzo?" by HUNKER DOWN ROY. Our split with Bloxwhich Bitch Box contains an alternative version of this re-mix, as well as our re-mix of their track "Speedskit".

Our untitled album of April 2008 contains our re-mix of Amy Winehouse's song "Rehab" as well as an utitled montarge re-mix of various OBSOLETE (OFFICE EQUIPMENT) tracks.

The same untitled montarge re-mix of various OBSOLETE (OFFICE EQUIPMENT) tracks, along with 2 other untitled mixes feature on our split with said band.

Our April 2009 untitled album contains "Still Part of a Toilet Generation (Mike Love 666 re-mix Toilet Generationen)" our re-mix a track by TOILET GENERATIONE, and "Previously Known as Bennie and the Jets (Mike Love 666 Re-mix Elton John) our re-mix of Elton John's "Bennie and the Jets" which was originaly intended for a "We Hate Elton John" compilation on Legion Sudan

Mike bursts unannounced into the support band's dressing room...

Skidmore Spur 2011 July.jpg

