Split (Подзалупная перхоть & Huebesy Patriarha)
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Revision as of 00:10, 11 March 2019 by SilenceNattramn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Split''' is split album of Russian noisecore/shitcore/cybergrind band Подзалупная перхоть|PODZALUPNAYA PERHOT...")
Split is split album of Russian noisecore/shitcore/cybergrind band PODZALUPNAYA PERHOTЬ and noisecore/shitcore band HUEBESY PATRIARHA. Released by Zymotic Productions in 2018.
Track list
- 01. PODZALUPNAYA PERHOTЬ - Гангренозная суходрочка (284 songs)
- 02. HUEBESY PATRIARHA - Some Ugly Songs