XlosmouX / Sanitized Death Split (2011)

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Revision as of 09:26, 28 March 2012 by XlosmouX (talk | contribs)
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Tracklist XlosmouX:

Skip This Song 0:04

0000000 0:13

Cop Out 0:14

Care And Recycle Your Trash 0:16

Ned 0:03

Osaka Street Dirt 0:14

The Worst Shit In The World (Gore Beyond Necropsy Cover)

Dreams 0:23

Calm The Fuck Down And Sip One's Coffee 0:17

Annoyse 0:04

Smile For Cigarettes 0:05

Early Mornin' Grind 0:15

Non-Titile (OPS-PSF Cover)

Tokushima Art Guy 0:24

You're Not Cool Because You Dislike Popular Music 0:07

Ououou 0:25

Refuse That Gig 0:20

Grindelwald 0:00

Kame (Damage Digital Cover) 0:04

All Drugged Up 0:21

Birdlander 0:33

Metalhead Dickhead 0:09

XsharonstoneX 0:26

Dubstep Partyfuck 0:40

Tracklist Sanitized Death:

Untitled 1 0:30

Untitled 2 0:51

Untitled 3 0:15

Untitled 4 0:17

Untitled 5 0:42

Untitled 6 0:28



"Dreams" videoclip:
