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[view] is a solo sound project of Pacific North West dweller Curtis Rochambeau.

The name originates from a stack of VIEW camera pamphlets that were saved from a dumpster. These black and white pamphlets rode around in the bottom of a filing bin for many years until triggering the name reflex during a spell in which namely dissatisfaction was prevalent. That occurred in 2001. The preferred deployment of project moniker is top-bottom inverted, depicted as follows (color scheme inconsequential):

ViewLOGO.jpg ASCII limitations have forced the compromise of listing as [view], VIEW, view or View, in that order of preference.

The project is primarily electronic in nature. Instruments, while varied, include older mid 1900's vacuum tube test and medical equipment which has become something of an attribute of the project.

Sonically, output vacillates within the spread of textural, ethereal, harsh and drone. Most compositions are more or less linear in nature, comprised of multiple layers.

Most recorded output has been released under the binauralaboratories label, a label dedicated to the output through the binauralaboratories studio.

Incomplete discography is listed here: