Very Nice Noise
About Very Nice Noise
Very Nice Noise is primarily a netlabel, which means that we offer music that is available exclusively through free MP3 downloads, and we will eventually start releasing the occasional CD-R and DVD-R releases as well. All MP3 releases on this site are free for you to download and distribute as you wish, as long as it it not done for profit. The label was started to help give more control back to the talented artists of the noise "music" community by way of faster turn around times on releases, no file type restrictions (if you want to release in the less popular OGG format, that's cool with us) and by giving artists the ability to maintain their own artist profile on the site. Our genre focus, as our name suggests is noise (harsh noise, drone, glitch, power electronics and the like).
Very Nice Noise is a non-profit project, and any earnings made from the sale of our physical releases and other merchandise is applied towards our web site hosting fees and future physical releases. All rights of the artists and of their recorded material are reserved. All tracks and tracks and graphics are copyright of their respective authors.